The Truth About Hudson Taylor’s Missionary Success

💡 Could THIS be the secret behind Hudson Taylor’s unstoppable faith? Most people assume great missionaries were simply “called,” but few realize the extreme self-discipline, sacrifice, and faith it took for Hudson Taylor to transform missions in China. His radical lifestyle prepared him to endure hardships, win souls, and change history. 🔥 Inside this video: ✅ The self-denial that made Taylor unshakable in the face of suffering ✅ How he rejected Western comforts and lived like the Chinese—shocking his peers ✅ The faith-driven love story that tested his patience and trust in God ✅ His Exchanged Life experience—the moment he was filled with the Holy Spirit and entered into union with Christ. Hudson Taylor’s story isn’t just history—it’s a challenge to us. Are we willing to trust God this much? Watch now and be inspired! ⬇️ 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. Donate: 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: Instagram: X: Facebook: Youtube: Website: 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The Truth About Gender They Don’t Want You to Know

They told you gender is a social construct… but why do animals seem to understand their roles better than we do? Today, gender distinctions are under attack like never before. Professors claim biology is just an "assignment" at birth. Activists push radical ideas on children. But what does God say? Genesis 1:27 tells us the truth: Male and female, created by God, with purpose and glory. In this video, we expose the lies, confront the confusion, and reclaim the biblical foundation of gender. Men were designed to lead, build, and protect. Women were created to nurture, sustain, and influence the world through their God-given role. When we reject these distinctions, we reject God’s design. 🔥 Why modern gender ideology collapses under its own weight 🔥 The undeniable biblical truth about masculinity and femininity 🔥 How embracing God's design restores identity, purpose, and strength The world wants you confused—God wants you confident. Watch now and stand firm in the truth! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. Donate: 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: Instagram: X: Facebook: Youtube: Website: 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Why Are You Still Stuck? Step Into the Fullness of the Spirit!

Are you living in victory or just surviving? Many Christians today are like Israel on the borders of the Promised Land—close, but not possessing what God has already given them. Have you settled for a weak, powerless faith when the fullness of the Spirit is yours for the taking? The Bible makes it clear: spiritual immaturity and compromise keep us in bondage. Joshua 18:3 asks, "How long will you put off going in to take possession of the land which the Lord… has given you?"—and the same question applies to you. 🔥 Are you tired of spiritual babyhood? 🔥 Do you still battle the same sins, doubts, and fears? 🔥 Have you lost sight of why you were saved in the first place? It’s time to drive out the giants in your life—pride, fear, laziness, and unbelief—and claim the ground for Christ. God didn’t bring you out of Egypt so you could camp at the border of His promises. The victory is already won, but will you step into it? Watch now and break free from the cycle of defeat. Your life of spiritual abundance and power starts today! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Why the Devil Waits for the Perfect Moment to Strike

The devil doesn’t attack at random—he waits for the perfect moment. Are you ready when temptation strikes? Luke 4:13 reveals how the enemy waits for a more opportune time to target your weaknesses. But you don’t have to fall into his trap. In this video, learn how to stay vigilant, recognize the devil’s strategies, and overcome every temptation through God’s power. Discover how trials refine your faith (1 Peter 1:7), why Jesus faced temptation, and how to prepare yourself to stand firm in every season of life. Stay one step ahead of the enemy. Watch now to equip yourself with the tools to resist every attack and live in victory! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Breaking Down Irresistible Grace: A Philosophical Examination

Breaking Down Irresistible Grace: A Philosophical Examination

Is the doctrine of Irresistible Grace as logical as it sounds? Can God’s grace truly be resisted, or does that make Him less powerful? These are the questions at the heart of Read more

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Wisdom Without Action: Why You’re Still Stuck Spiritually

Get Wisdom and Understanding: The Crucial Step to Life-Changing Action

Have you ever felt stuck despite gaining wisdom? Proverbs 4:7 reveals the key to transforming wisdom into life-changing action. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with Read more

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Musk, Rogan, RFK: Is God Awakening Our Culture?

In this episode, the podcast tackles pressing issues that intertwine politics, culture, and faith. The dialogue reveals deep concerns about censorship, the erosion of constitutional rights, and the role Christians must play in the current cultural climate. Below is Read more

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Understanding the Means of Grace: A Biblical Perspective

Through biblical practices like prayer, fellowship, and more, we access the means of grace—tools ordained by God to nourish and sustain our spiritual lives. Let’s us begin by turning to the Bible in Acts 2:42:

“And they continued steadfastly Read more

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What if you're missing the secret to a stronger, more fulfilling walk with God? Discover how to receive God’s grace through the biblical practices or spiritual disciplines outlined in Acts 2:42. Acts 2:42 reveals how the early church thrived: through steadfast devotion to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. But here's the catch: these means are not magic—they depend on your heart and motive. Are they drawing you closer to Jesus, or have they become empty rituals? ➡️ In this video, you'll learn: • What the means of grace are and aren't. • Practical steps to integrate these disciplines into your daily life. • Why your mindset determines whether these tools truly change your heart. If you've ever felt stuck in your spiritual life or unsure how to grow closer to God, this is the wake-up call you need. Don’t settle for a passive faith—embrace the God-ordained means to transform your life today. 👉 Watch now and take the first step toward a life overflowing with grace. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Chariots, Leaders, and Faith: Where Is Your Trust Today?

Why do we place our trust in what looks strong but always fails? The Israelites wanted a king to be like other nations-but at what cost? This story has stunning parallels to today: Are we relying on human systems and leaders that promise safety but push God aside? Or are we standing upright in faith, trusting the true King? This video unpacks Psalm 20:7-8 and 1 Samuel 8, revealing the dangers of misplaced trust in chariots, leaders, or worldly systems. Learn how Israel's rejection of God's rule brought devastating consequences-and what it means for us today. 👉 Watch now to discover how trusting God's rule brings victory while the world's systems lead to defeat. 🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Pentecost Power: The Secret to Overcoming Indwelling Sin

The disciples walked with Jesus, healed the sick, and cast out demons—yet they still lacked something essential. Have you ever wondered if being “saved” is enough, or if there’s more to living a victorious Christian life? In Acts 2:1-4, everything changed for the disciples on the day of Pentecost. They were filled, empowered, and purified by the Holy Spirit. What about you? This video dives deep into questions most Christians avoid: Were the disciples saved before Pentecost? Why do so many struggle with indwelling sin after conversion? What does it mean to be “baptized with the Holy Ghost”? Discover the truth behind entire sanctification, the second work of grace, and how the promise of the Spirit can revolutionize your walk with God. With real-life examples from scripture and history, you’ll see why this moment wasn’t just for the early church—it’s for you, today. Don’t settle for less than God’s best. Watch now and claim the power, purity, and boldness promised to every believer! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Limited Atonement Debunked: The Truth About Christ’s Sacrifice

Why Calvinists Get Atonement Wrong What if the cross of Christ was meant for more than the “chosen few”, "Limited Atonement"? Explore the surprising truths behind universal atonement and how Calvinist theology limits the power of the cross. Does God’s love extend to all, or just the elect? Uncover biblical insights that challenge “limited atonement” with verses like John 3:16, 1 Timothy 2:6, and 1 John 2:2. This video breaks down complex doctrines like ransom, reconciliation, and expiation in simple terms. Discover how the cross truly bridges the gap between God and humanity. If you’ve ever wondered, “Did Jesus die for everyone or just a select group?” this is the deep dive you’ve been waiting for. Don’t settle for man-made doctrines—see what Scripture really says about God’s plan for salvation. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Read more
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The Cross and God’s Justice: What the Governmental Theory Reveals

What if justice required mercy? The story of King Zalencus, torn between his duty as ruler and his love for his son, reveals a profound truth: true justice doesn’t merely demand punishment—it seeks the highest good for all. This dramatic tale mirrors the heart of the Governmental Theory of Atonement, showing how the cross of Christ upheld God’s justice while displaying His mercy. In this video, we explore why sin can’t simply be excused, how God’s atonement preserves the integrity of His moral government, and why forgiveness requires a cost. Discover how this theory resolves key theological tensions and presents a God who governs with both justice and grace. Ready to see sin, justice, and mercy in a whole new light? Watch now and be inspired by the wisdom of a God who offers pardon without compromising righteousness. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Why Penal Substitution Misrepresents God and the Gospel

Discover why the Penal Substitution Theory of Atonement might conflict with God's character of justice and love. Was Jesus truly punished in our place to satisfy divine wrath? Or does this theory misrepresent the biblical narrative? Explore a scripturally grounded alternative that upholds God's justice and mercy without moral contradictions. Can sin be forgiven if it's fully punished? Challenge your understanding of the cross in this thought-provoking video. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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What You Don’t Know About Entire Sanctification is Holding You Back!

Why does God require complete devotion or entire sanctification from His people? Romans 12:1-2 calls us to be living sacrifices, fully aligned with His perfect will. But this isn’t just about personal transformation—it’s about our role in God’s Kingdom. For His government to be effective, He needs wholly sanctified people, willing to live with unwavering loyalty and purpose. Discover why partial dedication can’t equip us for true Kingdom work, and why complete surrender is necessary for God’s government to thrive. Hear how spiritual giants who lived in full surrender to the Holy Spirit were able to bring divine power into their world. Ready to be part of God’s mission at a deeper level? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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A Window of Mercy: Will the Church Rise or Retreat?

God has opened a unique window of mercy for our nation, but will the church rise to the challenge or retreat in comfort? In this video, inspired by 2 Kings 13, we explore the pivotal choice the church faces today. Will we respond like King Joash, striking the ground half-heartedly, or will we rise in bold faith, striking six arrows into the ground, seizing this moment to claim victory over the darkness in our culture? With fresh freedom secured through recent events, the church has a rare opportunity to move with zeal, resist evil, and secure long-term gospel influence. Don’t let this window of mercy slip by—now is the time for bold action. Will the church rise, or will we retreat? Watch this video to find out how we can step forward in faith and make the most of this crucial time. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The Consequences of Sin | God’s Justice & True Repentance

What if repentance isn't just a "nice to have" but a non-negotiable for true forgiveness? Today's video uncovers why God's own justice demands repentance, and what that means for us. If sin is brushed aside without repentance, God's character and His rule are called into question-could it even mean He's willing to overlook sin without consequence? This isn't just a matter of rules; it's about entering His Kingdom with purpose. Discover why repentance is crucial to God's government, our forgiveness, and the moral fabric of His Kingdom. 🔹 Why must we repent to be forgiven? 🔹 Does repentance impact salvation and obedience? 🔹 How does forgiveness without repentance undermine God's justice? Repentance isn't a ritual; it's a Kingdom requirement. Ready to dig deeper? Let's explore why repentance is essential for a life in harmony with God's ultimate purpose. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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God’s Government: Why You NEED to Know About It

Does God really act with reason in everything? Or are there times when it seems like His actions are random? What if I told you that every event, every detail of your life, has a purpose far beyond what you can see? In this video, we dive deep into the powerful words of Isaiah 9:6-7, uncovering how God's government, placed on the shoulders of Christ, is designed with precision and purpose. Discover how understanding God's role as the ultimate Governor can transform the way you view your life, your struggles, and even the world around you. You'll learn why God governs with wisdom, justice, and peace-and why this matters to you personally. Find out how our choices play into His divine plan, and why trusting His reasoned actions can lead to peace and purpose in your own life. This isn't just about theology-it's about how God's unshakable governance can bring real change to your everyday world. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Spiritual Warfare: How To Protect Yourself (Call to Vigilance)

What does it really mean to "be alert" and "stand firm in your faith"? In this video, we dive deep into 2 Peter 5:8-9, exploring the powerful call to vigilance against spiritual dangers. Discover how to protect yourself from the subtle enemy tactics that can lead you astray. Why should you care? Because your spiritual growth and safety depend on it! We'll reveal essential strategies for recognizing these tactics and reinforcing your faith. Learn how to stay grounded, even when the world feels overwhelming. Join us for insights on biblical teachings that could change your perspective and strengthen your walk with God. Don't miss this chance to safeguard your faith-click now to watch! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The Biggest Sin – Am I Racist?

What if everything you think you know about systemic racism is part of a larger ideology? In this eye-opening discussion, Dave and I dive into a powerful interview between Jillian Michaels and Matt Walsh that challenges the narrative surrounding woke ideology. Discover how this ideology acts like a religion, offering empty promises and no real hope for solving our deepest societal issues. We'll explore why, unlike woke beliefs, the gospel of Jesus Christ provides true answers and healing for humanity's universal problems. Join us as we break down these critical ideas and reveal how you can find hope beyond the noise. Don't miss this chance to see why understanding the difference between these worldviews is crucial for finding real solutions. Click now to watch and uncover the truth! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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What Zacchaeus Teaches Us About Reaching Outcasts Today

Ever wonder how to reach society’s outcasts with the gospel? In Luke 19:1-11, Zacchaeus was seen as a traitor, rejected by his own people, and living under the political oppression of Rome. Yet, Jesus reached out to him. Today, we're also facing political turmoil and societal divides. How do we reach the outcasts of today’s world? Discover how Zacchaeus’ story reveals powerful lessons for evangelism in modern times, and how Jesus' example can help us share the gospel with those society rejects. Watch now to learn how to apply these biblical principles to your own outreach efforts. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The #1 Reason You Aren’t Growing Spiritually

What if you could completely transform the way you think and live? This video dives into the powerful message of rejecting your old self and seeking Christ above, as outlined in Colossians 3:1-11. Are you still trapped by sinful habits, worldly desires, or a mindset that leaves you empty? The Bible teaches us to put those things to death and align our lives with the things above. In this video, you'll discover how to practically apply these teachings, reject your past ways, and embrace a life fully focused on Christ. If you're ready to experience real freedom and lasting peace by living out the truth of God's Word, this message is for you. Watch now to learn how to put off the old self and live a transformed life through the power of Christ! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Faith Alone Won’t Save You: The Hidden Warning of Revelation 22:14

Are you being told that faith alone is enough? What if the Bible says something different? Revelation 22:14 reveals a truth that many overlook: obeying Christ's commandments is the key to eternal life. Could your salvation really be conditional? This video uncovers how faith without works could leave you outside the gates of heaven. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Blotted Out of the Book of Life? Why Salvation Is Conditional

You’ve been told your salvation is secure… but what if that’s a lie? In Revelation 3:3-5, Jesus warns that names can be blotted out of the Book of Life. That’s right—your salvation is not guaranteed. This video exposes the false promise of eternal security and reveals the real biblical truth: salvation is conditional. What does that mean for you? Are you truly safe, or could you lose it all? Discover the uncomfortable answers that most preachers won’t tell you. Watch now and find out if you’ve been misled about your eternity! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Steve Lawson: Are Saved Christians Just SINNERS?

"If a well-known preacher like Steve Lawson falls into sin… what does that mean for the rest of us?" Are Christians still sinners even after we’re saved? What does Steve Lawson’s downfall reveal about God's will and our own struggles with sin? Could this be part of God’s plan—or a sign of something more dangerous? In this video, we tackle the hard questions: Did God decree this sin? Was Steve Lawson a reprobate, or is there hope for his return? If you’ve ever wondered where the line is between sin and salvation, you’ll want to watch this to understand how these truths impact your walk with God. Discover the real hope for the backslider and learn what this means for you. Read more
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Was the Church at Ephesus in Danger of Losing Their Salvation?

In this thought-provoking video, we explore a crucial question: Was the Church at Ephesus in danger of losing their salvation? Delve into the complexities of eternal security as we examine the biblical context surrounding the early church's struggles. Did the believers in Ephesus risk backsliding into spiritual apostasy, or does the doctrine of "once saved, always saved" hold true for them? Join us as we analyze the concept of conditional salvation and the importance of Christian endurance in maintaining faith. This discussion aims to shed light on the dynamics of salvation and the challenges faced by the Church at Ephesus, providing insights for believers today. Whether you're curious about the implications of salvation or looking to strengthen your understanding of your faith, this video is a must-watch! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Who is God And Why Does He Rule Over All?

It is super important to know the answer to, "Who is God and Why does he rule over all?" In this video, we dive deep into God's divine government and its crucial role in shaping justice today. Engaging with Harry Conn's teaching lecture, we explore how God's governance is not arbitrary but designed with purpose. From understanding the concept of governance to discovering why free will is essential for love and justice, this video offers insights into how God's rule applies to our modern-day challenges. Through Conn's lecture, we uncover what it truly means to govern, the purpose behind creation, and how God's design for government brings hope and justice in a world full of uncertainty. This is more than just a theological discussion-it's about understanding how God's eternal principles impact justice and fairness in society today. If you're seeking a deeper understanding of God's rule and how it applies to present-day needs, this video offers a thought-provoking exploration of divine governance and justice. #GodsDivineGovernment #JusticeToday #HarryConnTeaching #GodsGovernance #BiblicalJustice #FreeWillAndLove 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Can You Lose Your Salvation? Insights from the Book of Jude

Is salvation truly secure, or can it be lost? Can you lose your salvation? In this video, we explore the critical insights from the Book of Jude that challenge the popular notion of 'once saved, always saved.' Jude’s warnings about falling away, false teachers, and the need to persevere in faith raise important questions for every believer. Join us as we break down key verses and uncover the truth about conditional salvation in the Bible. Whether you're seeking answers or deepening your understanding of Jude’s message, this video will provide clarity on this crucial topic. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Does 1 John Teach Conditional Salvation? | Biblical Truth Revealed

Is salvation conditional according to 1 John? In this video, we dive deep into the Apostle John's teachings to explore whether our salvation is based on meeting certain conditions or if it's a gift of grace through faith alone. We'll examine key verses and unpack the context behind John's words to bring clarity to this important theological question. Join us as we explore: The meaning of "walking in the light" Understanding confession and forgiveness The role of love and obedience in the life of a believer Assurance of salvation in 1 John If you're searching for answers about eternal security, assurance of salvation, and how 1 John fits into the broader biblical narrative, this video is for you. 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe for more biblical teachings and hit the notification bell so you never miss an update! #1John #ConditionalSalvation #EternalSecurity #ChristianDoctrine #BibleStudy 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Steve Lawson vs. The Truth: Is Sanctification a Second Work of Grace?

In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the debate surrounding the concept of sanctification as presented by renowned theologian Steve Lawson. Is sanctification truly a second work of grace? Join us as we explore the principles of scriptural holiness and the implications of Entire Sanctification in the Christian's life. With a focus on sanctified living, we examine Lawson's perspectives and challenge them with biblical truths. This discussion aims to clarify the often misunderstood doctrine of sanctification and its role in the believer's journey. Don't miss this enlightening exploration that seeks to uncover the truth about sanctification and its significance in our spiritual lives. Join the debate in this episode! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Is 2 Peter Teaching Conditional Salvation? Make Your Calling Sure

Explore the meaning of 'Make Your Calling and Election Sure' in 2 Peter. Is salvation truly conditional on our continued faith and obedience? Dive deep into the biblical perspective on conditional salvation and understand the implications of this powerful scripture. Perfect for those studying 2 Peter and seeking clarity on salvation's requirements. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Understanding Conditional Salvation: Don’t Just Hear, DO!

Can we be a Christian if we are a hearer only of God's word but not a doer. James 1:22-27 implies conditional salvation in that if we are turly saved our lives will show obedience to God. James said faith without works is dead. Are you in the faith? In this enlightening video, we dive deep into the concept of conditional salvation and explore why it's crucial to be more than just a hearer of the Word. Many individuals attend church and listen to sermons, but the real challenge lies in translating that knowledge into action. Don't be a hearer only; discover the importance of living out your faith through tangible actions. We'll discuss the difference between hearers and doers, emphasizing the necessity of having an active faith that reflects scriptural obedience. Join us as we unpack the concept of faith in practice, and how practical salvation requires a doer mindset. Learn how to confront the salvation challenge by obeying scripture and embracing real obedience in your daily life. This video is an invitation to transform your understanding of faith and to cultivate a lifestyle that embodies the principles of being a doer of faith. Tune in to gain insights on how to put your faith into action and live out the calling of a faithful practice. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Does 1 John Tell Us Christians Will Continue Sinning?

In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the implications of 1 John and whether it suggests that Christians will continue sinning. We explore the scripture's assertion that if you say you have no sin, you're a liar, shedding light on the philosophical and theological ramifications of this statement. With a focus on gnosticism and its beliefs, we analyze how these ideas contrast with traditional Christian teachings. Join us as we unpack the concept of free grace and the potential for spiritual deception within contemporary Christian thought. This discussion interacts with Theocast and examines the philosophy of sin, providing clarity on the topic of an ongoing struggle with sin in the life of a believer. Don't miss out on this enlightening exploration of 1 John and its relevance to our understanding of sin and grace in the Christian faith. Tune in now for a deeper understanding! Full Podcast Here: 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Responding to Theocast: Can Christians Sin Habitually?

In this thought-provoking video, we dive deep into the controversial truth surrounding Christians and habitual sin. Can Christians truly sin habitually, or does this contradict the principles of faith and justification by faith? We explore the complexities of lordship salvation, the implications of repentance, and the debate between faith vs. works. As believers, we often grapple with the problem of the "sinful nature" and the challenges of maintaining a covenant relationship with God. Is it possible to be saved by grace yet struggle with habitual sin? Join us as we discuss the nuances of eternal security, the relationship between sin and justification, and the ongoing spiritual struggles many Christians face today. We'll also tackle critical salvation issues, including the balance of grace and repentance, and whether justification by works holds any weight in our faith journey. This video aims to shed light on the sin debate, encouraging viewers to reflect on their understanding of salvation and the role of faith and works in their spiritual lives. Don't miss this essential discussion on what it means to live a life rooted in Christ while questioning if habitual sin is part of a christian's life. Tune in now for an enlightening exploration of these crucial topics as we interact with Theocast's video! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Do Works Matter for Salvation?

If I have "accepted" Jesus, do works matter for salvation? Do we have to persevere to the end in order to be finally saved? Let's see what Jesus says in John 8:31-51 in this episode! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The Finney Fraud: How Fake Conversions Corrupted the Church?

Todd claims the authenticity of Charles Finney Finney's converts are low. Are the shallow, false converts of today Charles Finney's fault? Find out in this episode! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Charles Finney: The Man Behind Today’s Shallow Revivalism – Todd Friel

Todd claims Charles Finney as the reason for the shallow "revivals" of our day. Was Charles Finney really for man made emotional revivals or was he desirous of genuine repentance and faith in Christ. Watch this episode to find out. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Conditional Salvation: Can You Be Salt That Lost Its Flavor?

In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the concept of conditional salvation and explore the profound question: Can you be salt that has lost its flavor? Drawing from the teachings in Luke 14:25-35, we examine the implications of spiritual drift and what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ. Are you living a life marked by faithful obedience and a commitment to Christ, or have you allowed distractions to choke your spiritual life? Join us as we uncover essential discipleship principles, focusing on the importance of denying self and fully embracing true discipleship. This discussion is vital for anyone seeking to understand the depth of their faith and the call to remain steadfast in their Christian journey. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your understanding of what it means to be a true follower of Jesus and be on your way to heaven! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Trading Rewards for Sin – A Wake-Up Call to Save Your Soul

Learn about the danger of rejecting your rewards for sin. Some christians teach and believe you can live a sinful "christian" life, losing your rewards in heaven but still be saved in the end. Is this what 1 Corinthians 3:15 really teaches? Join us in this episode to see if this passages teaches a "once saved always saved" experience or is conditional salvation a true biblical doctrine? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Why You NEED To Abide in the Vine (John 15)

Discover the profound teachings from John 15 on the importance of abiding in the Vine for a fruitful and abundant life and how that relates tp our salvation. This video explores the concept of biblical abiding, the relationship between the branches and the Vine, and the significance of spiritual growth in Christian living. Learn about the grace that comes from faithful abiding and how our eternal security is found in our continuing divine connection. Watch now to deepen your understanding of conditional salvation and the error of Once Saved Always Saved. Embrace the transformative power of abiding in the Vine for a life filled with spiritual nourishment and abundant fruit in order for us to be sure of heaven. Read more
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Deny Yourself, Pick Up Your Cross or You CANNOT Be Saved

In this thought-provoking video, we explore the crucial topic of denying oneself and picking up the cross in order to be saved. The debate between Lordship Salvation and eternal security is explored, shedding light on the significance of grace and faith in the journey towards true faith. Join us as we navigate through the controversies surrounding Conditional Salvation, Arminianism, and Calvinism, ultimately aiming to uncover the essence of biblical salvation, faith, and grace. If you are seeking clarity on the intricate relationship between faith and salvation, salvation and discipleship, this video is a must-watch. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Why Half-Hearted Christianity is Killing You (Fence Sitters)

Can Christians live with one foot in the world and one foot in the Church of Christ? Can a Christian be half-hearted? Find out in this episode as we look at Elijah, the prophets of Baal and 1 Kings 18. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Celebrate Your Personal Independence Day: Breaking Free from Sin

Explore the concept of personal Independence Day for your soul in this thought-provoking episode. Learn how to overcome the bondage of sin and experience true freedom in Christ. Subscribe to God's resistance for more inspiring discussions! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Are We Forgiven of Our Past, Present, & Future Sins?

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God forgives all our sins: past, present, and future. Forgiveness comes as a total package; God does not forgive us partially but wholly. (Got Questions) Is this really biblically true? Find out in this episode. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Romans 7: Not Once Saved, Always Saved (Bible Study)

In this video, we'll dive into Romans 7 to explore whether we are meant to live in sin forever. Watch to learn more about the Once Saved Always Saved debate and if Romans 7 is just an excuse to sin. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Does Romans 7 Say We Are to Live in Perpetual Sin? (Live unedited)

🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The Secret To The Shepherd’s Unwavering Protection?

Are you the Lord's sheep? Do you hear the Shepherd's voice? Are you listening? Does "no man can pluck you out of the Father's hand" mean we are eternally secure? Can we jump out of the father's hand? Can we turn our back on God and be lost? John 10:26-28 has the answer. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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No Man Can Pluck Me Out of the Father’s Hand But Can I Jump? (Live Unedited)

🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Debunking Common Misconceptions: Are Believers Truly Eternally Sealed by the Holy Spirit?

What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit. Does that mean we are eternally secure? Can the seal be broken? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Sealed by the Holy Spirit … No Matter what? (live unedited)

What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit. Does that mean we are eternally secure? Can the seal be broken? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Can You Lose Your Salvation? Blotted Out

Grapple with the intense reality that one can lose their salvation in this episode! Jesus implied there is a possibility of our names being blotted out of the book of life! Watch this episode and see what Revelation 3:5 and Jesus tell us! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Why Enduring to the End is Essential for Salvation

Are you curious about the concept of salvation and whether it requires endurance? According to Jesus, you must endure to the end to be saved. Join us in this video as we look into the topic of once saved always saved doctrine and explore the biblical perspective on eternal security. Discover the importance of enduring to the end in order to be finally saved and the significance of maintaining a covenant relationship with God. Watch this video as we look into Matthew 24:13. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Can Believers Wander Towards Damnation? Tips for Avoiding Spiritual Pitfalls

Can a believer wander towards damnation? Does their soul need to be saved from death? Doesn't the bible teach eternal security? This is a relevant bible passage in the once saved always saved debate. Is once saved always saved biblical?Watch this episode as we look into James 5:19-20 to find out. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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If I Turn Back to Sin Am I In Danger?

If I listen to someone tell me I can never lose my salvation once saved, can I be deceived and lost forever? Should I trust my eternal soul in the hands of a false prophet? If I turn back to my sin am I in danger. 2 Peter 2 sheds light on these very questions. Watch this episode and get these questions answered. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Once Saved But Now Deceived (Live unedited)

If I listen to someone tell me I can never lose my salvation once saved, can I be deceived and lost forever? Should I trust my eternal soul in the hands of a false prophet? If I turn back to my sin am I in danger. 2 Peter 2 sheds light on these very questions. Watch this episode and get these questions answered. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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If I Sin Willfully Am I In Danger? (Uncut Live)

Sin willfully no more sacrifice? "Will one little sin jeopardize my soul?", is the wrong question. The right question is, "Where does sin lead?" The Bible says the wages of sin is death. If the result of sin is death, could my willful sins, after salvation, cause me to turn my back on Christ? Is sinning after being saved dangerous? If I turn my back on Christ, can I fall away in apostasy? Join me as we look into Hebrews 10:26-29 to find out what the Bible says about apostasy in Christianity and OSAS (once saved always saved.) 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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If I Sin Willfully Am I In Danger?

Sin willfully no more sacrifice? "Will one little sin jeopardize my soul?", is the wrong question. The right question is, "Where does sin lead?" The Bible says the wages of sin is death. If the result of sin is death, could my willful sins, after salvation, cause me to turn my back on Christ? Is sinning after being saved dangerous? If I turn my back on Christ, can I fall away in apostasy? Join me as we look into Hebrews 10:26-29 to find out what the Bible says about apostasy in Christianity and OSAS (once saved always saved.) 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Can You Fall Away and Lose Your Salvation?

If you are saved and have tasted the heavenly gift of the Holy Spirit (hebrews 6:4-6) there is eternal security! You'll go to heaven no matter what! At least, that is what many think. But what do we do with Hebrews 6 stating its impossible if we have fallen away to be renewed again unto repentance? Can I lose my salvation? Is once saved always saved biblical? Watch this episode to have Hebrews 6 explained and add some more context to the OSAS debate. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Fallen Away and Impossible to Renew to Repentance

If you are saved and have tasted the heavenly gift of the Holy Spirit you are eternally secure! You'll go to heaven no matter what! At least, that is what many think. But what do we do with the book of Hebrews stating its impossible if we have fallen away to be renewed again unto repentance? Watch this episode to find out. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Cut Off? The Fear that Could Change Everything

What if your beliefs could lead to being cut off? Explore Romans 11:13-23 and uncover the truth about faith, obedience, and the consequences and possibilities of disconnecting from God's covenant. Don't wait until it's too late—discover how to secure your spiritual future today. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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From Salvation to Disqualification: What Happened?

Can you lose your salvation? Is Salvation Like a Race? Can you be Disqualified. We're looking into 1 for 9:24-27 and 10:1-12. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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OSAS: Is Salvation Like A Race?

Can you lose your salvation? Is Salvation Like a Race? Can you be Disqualified. We're looking into 1 for 9:24-27 and 10:1-12. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Learn Contentment and God Will Supply

🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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The Link Between Contentment and God’s Help

Discover the link between contentment and God's supply in this video exploring Phillipians 4. Find peace and fulfillment in trusting in God's provision. 🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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5 Steps for Peace with God, Others, and Yourself

In this video, we'll show you 5 steps for finding peace with God, others, and yourself. Learn how to pray, rejoice in the Lord, practice thanksgiving, and think on positive things to experience true peace in your life. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Bible Study With Me | Choosing Between Rights and Love

Are you unhappy with your life? It could be because you're too selfish. In this Bible study with me we delve into the truth about Christian liberty and the importance of choosing between your personal "rights" and love. Did you know that 95% of people are unhappy with their lives because they are too selfish? Discover how to live a more God-honoring and fulfilling life of love and sacrifice, and learn how to show grace to those who disagree with you. Fight ..... For Your Rights ..... Or Show Some Grace The Beastie Boys wrote a song about fighting for their rights to party against the protests of teachers and parents. They obviously put a premium on absolute freedom and personal rights. But what if you had to choose between your rights and your duty to love? In this episode, you’ll discover the shocking truth about what happens when you ignore the higher call of love and only care about yourself. You’ll also learn how to acknowledge your rights, but not at the expense of others. And you’ll find out how to show grace and love to those who differ with you, even when doing so may hinder your "rights". Here we go! 🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: #romans14 #loveedifies #christianliberty Read more
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Bible Study With Me: What Not to Do When Christians Disagree

Sometimes the best way to find out what you're supposed to do is to know what not to do when Christians disagree. In this bible study with me these questions will be answered, "Have you ever felt frustrated or angry when you spend time with Christians who have different views or practices than you? Perhaps you've never even met these people in person, but maybe you've read a book or listened to a sermon that made you wonder what to do when your conscience clashes with another believer's on topics like food, holidays, or entertainment." Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, this video is definitely for you! In this bible study, we will explore the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Romans 14 and discover how to deal with disputable matters among Christians. Get ready to learn how to live in harmony and peace with your brothers and sisters in Christ, even when you don't see eye to eye. By watching this video, you will not only gain a deeper understanding of the principles of love and the motives of the hearts, but also learn how to apply them in your everyday life. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to grow in your faith and strengthen your relationship with your fellow Christians. Watch this video now and learn how to love your fellow Christians when you disagree. 🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 #biblestudywithme #christianunity #notjudgingfellowchristians Read more
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Don’t Worry About The Law If You Love God

Are you tired of living in fear of the law of the land or the judgment of God? You think you're going to get caught. You hate laws and the cops - they need to stay out of my personal business! God won't judge me! I don't hurt anybody. Do you want to learn how to live a life free from this fear and anxiety and be ready to meet the supreme law-giver and judge? In this video, we’ll show you how to do just that. We’ll cover four key points that will help you live a life free from this fear and anxiety. First, we’ll talk about how to love your neighbor. Second, we’ll discuss how to love God. Third, we’ll explore how to forsake sin. And finally, we’ll show you how to walk with God every second of every day. If you walk with God you won't have to fear His law and judgment either. By the end of this video, you’ll have the tools you need to live a life free from the fear and anxiety of getting caught and ending up paying for your crime, either here or in the next life. So what are you waiting for? Watch this whole video starting now!” 🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Read more
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How Christians Can Win With Government

Are you concerned about the role of government in our lives? The unrest in our country adds an undercurrent of stress to your normal everyday life. The unrest in the world brings your little world into an almost existential crisis! It seems like government is part of the answer and part of the problem. What are you to do? Who do you trust? What happens when government oversteps its bounds? What if the very people who are supposed to protect us become the ones we need protection from? In Romans 13:1-7, we can find those answers. Watch this video to learn: 1. Where Civil Government Comes From 2. The Special Job of Government 3. How Authority Positions Make Government Work 4. How Christians Should See Government 5. How Christians Should Treat Those in Charge 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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20 Ways For How A Christian Ought To Live

Are you tired of simply going through the motions of living a Christian life? Do you ever wonder how you can truly reflect Christ’s love in your daily life? If so, then this video is for you! In this video, we’ll explore 20 ways for how a Christian ought to live and provide practical tips for making them a reality in your own life. But that’s not all! Did you know that many people believe that doctrine is useless and that we just need to know how to live? The truth is that doctrine matters because it affects how we live. By exploring this topic, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live as a Christian and how you can better allow Christ’s love in you, shine in your daily life. Watch our video today to grow in your faith and become the person Jesus died for you to be. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Practical Tips for Profitable Prayer Meetings

🔥 Ready to elevate your prayer meetings and experience powerful, life-changing answers to prayer for yourself, your community, and the lost around you? Join us in this super practical video, where we'll give you easy tips so that you can have profitable prayer meetings that leave you and your fellow believers spiritually empowered. 🤝 Learn to Gather with the Experienced: Choose the right setting for your prayer meetings, whether it's in the church, at home, or during a quick lunch break. ⏰ Find the Perfect Frequency: Discover the balance in the frequency of your prayer meetings. Start at a manageable pace to keep those that attend blessed and eager to participate without feeling overwhelmed. 🙏 Explore Essential Steps: Learn how to lead your prayer meeting effectively, engage in testimony sharing, and incorporate praise and worship to stretch your spiritual muscles. We'll show you how to create a relaxed and tension-free atmosphere that ensures a time that people will want to come back. 🙌 Expect the Miraculous: Witness answered prayers, divine guidance, visions being born, spiritual unity, and even the growth of your prayer group. Be prepared for spiritual warfare; perseverance in faith will prevail. 🌟 Ready to transform your prayer meetings so you can transform your town or city? Watch the full video for today-ready insights and subscribe for more spiritual conversations about God's Kingdom's sure increase! 🙏 #PrayerMeetingSuccess #SpiritualGrowth #faithjourney 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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What’s Your Crucial Role In God’s Kingdom Work?

Don't miss out on your opportunity to understand your crucial role in God's kingdom work. It all starts with being humble, which means knowing exactly where you fit in God's plan. When you're humble, you can join hands with other believers, and each of you brings unique gifts like preaching, helping, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, or showing kindness. Together, you'll see that even though you have different talents, you're all on the same team with the same goal. So, what's your special gift? Are you ready to be a crucial part of God's building plan? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Absolute Surrender: Your Key to Please and Know God Fully

💡 Ready for a life transformation? This video reveals the power of absolute surrender. It is a moment and a journey to connect with God on a deeper level and understand His will for you. In this video, you'll: - Discover how giving up control strengthens your bond with God as you enter His plan. - Learn how absolute surrender will guide your faith and understanding. - Get actionable steps to know and please God to the fullest! - Find easy ways to maintain this surrender, helping your faith and relationship with God grow. Make sure to watch the whole video to learn steps you can take today to please God and understand Him better! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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God’s Unstoppable Love Is Your Call to Break Free Now!

This isn't just a video title—it's an invitation to grasp a profound biblical understanding of the unstoppable love of God and His constant call for you to be set free! 🌌 In this video, a key theme will be unraveled: the unyielding offer of deliverance and salvation from God, even for those who have turned away. The message is clear—God's love remains unshakeable, His arms open wide, ready to embrace and deliver. The only requisites? Repentance and faith, which guide you into a life of love and obedience. 🚪 🛑 What's holding you back? Let's break down the walls that are hindering you from fully accepting God's love and deliverance. Repentance is the first step—a turning of the heart. Faith is the key—the unwavering trust that God's love and salvation are always within reach, especially right now. Together, they pave the way to a life of victory, purpose, love, and obedience. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world!🚶 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Are You Backsliding Off the Edge of Your Faith?

💡 Ever wondered what leads a solid Christian heart to fail? Join us to reveal the shocking facts of backsliding - a discussion you can't afford to miss! 🌟 Discover the Hidden Danger: Backsliding Unveiled! Peek into the deadly world of backsliding - it's not just a spiritual detour, but a plunge away from grace. Brace yourself for what's beneath the surface. 🤔 The Backslide Puzzle: What Causes the Fall? Explore what causes even the strongest believers to waver. The answers are not as profound as you might think! 💔 Silent Catastrophe: Unveiling Backsliding's Harmful Effects Learn about the silent destroyer - how backsliding damages God's purpose and shatters Christian testimonies without making a sound. ⚠️ Redemption's Call: Can You Escape the Abyss? Step away from the edge - can redemption pull you from the brink of eternal darkness? The truth is waiting for you in this episode! 🌿 Armor Up: Safeguard Your Faith, Avoid the Pitfall! Discover practical strategies to guard your Christian faith - because standing strong could be the key to saving your soul. 🙏 Ready to unlock these secrets and reclaim your faith? Don't miss this eye-opening revelation! Hit subscribe now and be prepared for a journey that will redefine your spiritual understanding. 🌟 #BackslidingRevealed #UnmaskingTruths #RedeemYourFaith 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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God’s Purpose Prevails: Forging New Roads

Ever felt like life threw you off track, maybe even because of your own choices? Romans 11 shows how our detours often happen when we veer from God's heart. But guess what? God's purpose for us stays solid, even when we take unexpected turns. Imagine it: a purpose so resilient that, despite our wanderings, God's forging new roads to guide us back to His plan. But here's a caution—ignoring these roads could lead to peril. God can make a thousand roads, but we've got to choose the ones He's paving. Are you ready to realign with His purpose, follow His guidance, and unveil His magnificent plan? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Faith Vs. Religion: God’s Call to Everyone

🙌 "Faith Beyond Religion: God's Call to Everyone" isn't just a title—it's an invite to embrace spirituality beyond mere rules. 💡 In this video, you'll discover the true essence of faith—it's not merely believing in God, but having faith in God to change you completely. Faith is like a compass, guiding you through life's maze towards God's purpose. 🧭 🌌 Join me as I encourage you to experience the real power of God within, moving beyond a stagnant religious routine and embracing the life-altering power of God! 🌠 #FaithBeyondReligion Read more
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Change Your Destiny: Choose Freedom Over Enslavement!

We're diving into the record of Pharaoh from the Bible, revealing what we choose determines our destiny! Pharaoh wasn't trapped in an unchangeable plan—he had the freedom to choose. His decisions had big effects. Pharaoh's choices shaped his destiny, proving that our futures aren't set in stone. We can take control and change our path to avoid eternal ruin. Watch this video and find out how you can steer your own eternal destiny! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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What You Don’t Know About Divine Predestination: Unlocking The Mystery

People don't talk about "predestination" much these days. But what's it all about? Well, think of it like this: when we talk about destiny, it's like imagining a big adventure, like "Lord of the Rings," where there's a path that's already set for us. It's like an unstoppable force guiding us towards a special purpose in life. Some people believe that God has already decided on certain things for us. You might be wondering, "What exactly did God decide for us?" Well, in this video, you'll discover the answer to that question. Romans 9:1-16 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Who Can Separate Us From the Love of God? …God is Love

The Bible says God is love right? So then, who can separate us from the love of God? If God be for us who can be against us? Can you turn your back on God? Does that make Him stop loving you? God's heart has always been for all nations. He is longing to manifest Himself in you so that the nations will enter into the grand plan of God's redemption. God has predestined a path where people can be saved an continue on until they reach heaven. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Oliver Anthony Seeking God South of Richmond

What does it look like when someone seeks God in our culture today? Oliver Anthony appears to be seeking God unlike many north of Richmond. When you go south of Richmond, simple, blue collar workers look at what is going on in the world around us with a dose of common sense. The evil that is so prevalent in our culture is making a time ripe to give biblical answers to the existence of evil and the and Ultimate good. People are waking up to truth. Maybe you miss it because of how it's packaged. Maybe you miss it because you don't like how it is packaged. Join us as we talk about one man seeking God south of Richmond and how there are so many others probably in your neighborhood that you could reach as well. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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To Be Carnally Minded is Death But…

Grace is what everyone loves. Grace for God to ignore my sins and still take me to a holy heaven. The Bible paints a different picture. To be "carnally minded" is death. When we are worldly-minded (to be carnally minded) the love of the Father is not in us. Sin always leads to death, never life. To be worldly-minded is death but... This sounds all pretty bleak but... There is certain victory in a full surrender to the mighty savior Jesus! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [] Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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How To Be Set Free From The Sin That Dwells Within You

We all want freedom from things that are ugly in us. The Question is, "How to be set free?" The next question is, "What do I need to be set free from?" We can tell when we are doing something bad and stop doing it. We need to turn off the why we are doing it. The why is the sin that dwells within you. Is there just some kind of method or does the Bible give us an answer in Romans 7:13-25? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Find True Freedom In Jesus, Not The Law!

So many people are looking to find true freedom and happiness by reforming their lives - self help. You're following the law of one guru or another. True freedom is in Jesus! The more you try to do what you think is right the more you realize you don't have the power to do it. Good news, you can have a new master, not the law. You can have a master that empowers you to live right - Jesus Christ! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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A New Kind Of Slavery

This episode is a study on Rom 6:12-23. We were slaves to sin but are now in a new kind of slavery. How is this slavery different? If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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God Uses The Least Likely People To Build His Kingdom

Hear how God uses the least likely people to expand His mighty kingdom. 🏰 Join us in this episode as we look at the profound significance of the least likely, raised up as pivotal architects to build His kingdom. These people were "not many noble," "not many wise!" 🔥 We talk of divine collaboration and human transformation, where ordinary souls, often underestimated, rise to fulfill extraordinary destinies. Experience the captivating chronicles of those who defied norms, shattered doubts, and harnessed untapped potential to manifest God's sovereign plan. 🌟 Witness how the least likely individuals embrace their unique roles with unshakeable conviction, shaping His kingdom which stands the test of time. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Let’s Keep Sinning So God’s Grace Will Keep Flowing!

Is Jesus your Lord or fire insurance? Do Christians keep sinning that grace will abound? We would love to keep the grace flowing to us but... we also want to keep our sin. Sinning as a christian is turning God's grace into license. Paul gives clear understanding about all of this in Romans 6. This episode is Romans 6:1-11. God's grace is wonderful so let's allow it to flow in us and through us to free us and keep us. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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As By One Man…. Adam Ruined Everything

Have you ever wondered how one decision can change everything for all of humanity? As by one man Adam caused a train wreck in our existence because of one act of disobedience. As by one man, Jesus, the second Adam can fix the train wreck. In this video, we're looking into Romans 5:11-21, looking at the negative and universal impact of Adam's sin on our lives. But That's not the end of the story! This passage reveals the astonishing hope we have in Jesus, the second Adam, who offers us the way to break free from sin's grip through repentance and faith. Many over focus on what Adam did and miss the victory that Christ has purchased for us. The similarity of the effects of each man's choice is seen in "as by". Just like Adam's choice affected the entire human race so has Jesus' one act of obedience much more affected and blessed the entire human race. Redemption and victory is now possible! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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God Used A Donkey, He May Use You

🔍 In this episode, we explore the reality that "Not Many Noble or Wise" (1 Corinthians 1:26-29) were chosen by God, and how this divine pattern continues to resonate through history. Join us as we look at remarkable accounts of people who, despite their humble beginnings (not noble), were chosen by God to do great exploits for Him. The Bible is filled with accounts of how God uses the most unlikely people as vessels for His divine purpose, proving that greatness can come forth from the most unlikely places. From shepherds to fishermen, from the marginalized to the underestimated, you will see the profound impact of these everyday people, often hated or misunderstood by those around them. ✨ Through this podcast, we hope to encourage you to have faith in God when you don't have a whole lot of confidence in your abilities or the lack of them. Remember, God's plan is way higher than our feeble understanding. 🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Instagram: [] Twitter: [] Facebook: [] Youtube:[] Website: [] 🎉 Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you! Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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A New Testament Portrait of Prayer

In order for us to pray effectively we will look at a New Testament Portrait of Prayer. In this video we explore Acts' inspiring examples of prayer that expanded the kingdom of God. Have you ever wondered what the symbolic significance of Revelation's incense bowls are? Do you need fresh wind and fresh fire in your prayer life?What would a portrait of your prayer life look like? Sometimes we can become weary in the battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Watch this episode and be inspired by historical figures like J.B. Chapman, the Moravians, and Leonard Ravenhill's dad. Sometimes we just need an infusion of New Testament possibilities brought to our attention again. Sometimes we need to hear those accounts of how people prayed and God answered in our present day to be inspired to keep praying in faith. Frankly, we need the Holy Spirit to pray effectively. Make sure to follow our page, like this video, share with your friends and comment! Subscribe and listen to podcast version here: #HisKingdomsSureIncrease #DeeperLife #Holiness #DavidWise #ErikSamborski #ANewTestamentPortraitOfPrayer #ExamplesInActs #BowlsOfIncense #PrayWithoutCeasing #PrayAlways #PersevereInPrayer #HistoricalPrayerExamples #TransformativePowerOfPrayer #DeepeningSpiritualConnection #VibrantPrayerLife Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Do you still believe in the POWER of prayer?

Many people pray when they don't know what else to do. Are you fully convinced of the power of prayer? I suppose people have some belief in the power of prayer when praying in crisis but what about a solid confidence in prayer and its power. Prayer, for some, can be no more than speaking words out into the universe like some sort of auto suggestion. Christian prayer is communing with the God of all creation and fully trusting in Him to display His power in answer to your prayer. In this video we'll have a conversation about the power of prayer recorded in many old testament accounts and also sprinkle some illustrations and examples along the way. If you need to be stirred up to believe in the power of prayer this video is definitely for you! Make sure to follow our page, like this video, share with your friends and comment! Subscribe and listen to podcast version here: #HisKingdomsSureIncrease #DeeperLife #Holiness #DavidWise #ErikSamborski #powerofprayer Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Modern-day Hebrews 11? Achieving Faith

We can be stirred reading about the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 but what does that have to do with today? Did God work just amongst those Hebrews of old in big miraculous ways and leave us without any display of his mighty power? In Hebrews, at the end of chapter 11, there is a list of mighty faith exploits accomplished through people's faith in God. Do we still live in a day where achieving faith is possible? How do we see God move mightily in our day? Make sure to follow our page, like this video, share with your friends and comment! Subscribe and listen to podcast version here: #HisKingdomsSureIncrease #DeeperLife #Holiness #DavidWise #ErikSamborski Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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How the Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence Taken by Force

This world we live in is calculated to make us apathetic towards godliness. No one is going to fight for us. The Kingdom of heaven suffers violence when we take it by force. The Kingdom of Heaven is right at hand. God does not force us to go in but rather reasons with us. If you are not living a life of victory over sin, you need to take the kingdom of heaven by force by repenting of your sins and putting your faith in Jesus Christ. If you sense a deep lack in your Christian experience, you need to aggressively seek to be filled with the Spirit. If you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, you need maintain the fight against apathy by maintaining a Spirit-filled reality and life. In this episode we'll look at some examples and practical helps to take the kingdom of heaven by force ensure it suffers violence. Make sure to follow our page, like this video, share with your friends and comment! Subscribe and listen to podcast version here: #HisKingdomsSureIncrease #DeeperLife #Holiness #DavidWise #ErikSamborski Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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Secret Revealed: Deeper Life Testimonies of Famous Christians

Most prominent Christians of the past had a second-crisis experience after salvation known as the"Deeper Life." The experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit is called the deeper life because these have testified to a deeper experience with God that was unknown to them before. The lives of these Christian people are known because of what God was able to do with them after they surrendered all in consecration and were filled with the Spirit. Your life will be changed by the testimonies of these saints. Make sure to follow our page, like this video, share with your friends and comment! Subscribe and listen to podcast version here: #HisKingdomsSureIncrease #DeeperLife #Holiness #DavidWise #ErikSamborski #HolySpirit Email: & Phone: (570)362-7782 Read more
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A Second Rest – Hebrews 4

Full podcast God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt, a type of salvation, and now He invites us to enter into the Promised Land, the baptism of the Holy Sprit or the infilling of the Spirit. Let's seek to enter in today! Read more
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Embrace Your Talents – God Has a Ministry For You!

Full podcast Live out your God-given talents and serve Him with everything you have! No matter how many talents you have, God has a ministry for YOU. Let’s not hold back, but give our all to Him! Read more
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Deliverance Ministry for the Christian? REALLY?

Jessie Penn-Lewis was a prominent Christian author and teacher who made significant contributions to the church, including introducing the concept of deliverance ministry. Though the contributions were significant they were also damnable and damaging to the central gospel message of personal responsibility and repentance from sin. In her teachings and writings, she emphasized the importance of spiritual warfare and the role of the Holy Spirit in freeing believers from spiritual bondage. The spiritual bondage was caused by demons, according to her, and christians needed to be free from demonic possession. Her insights into deliverance ministry have confused many Christians and those that make a profession of Christian faith into looking for freedom from demons instead of personal sins.. Penn-Lewis's teachings continue to negatively influence many Christians today, and her legacy in the church is an enduring one that the devil is delighting in using. In this video we will also be examining Isaiah Saldivar's 25 rebuttals to those that do not believe christians can be possessed by demons and seeing if they hold up against the scriptures. Read more
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